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Escape Velocity

Today’s Two Words: Escape Velocity Escape velocity requires an object to propel itself with enough speed and thrust to break through a barrier. — NASA In Season 4, I’m going behind the scenes to break down how I made my first short film Gugu naGogo, premiering on ABC ME and iview on World Children’s Day, […]

Enjoy Yourself

I’m feeling a renewed joy about my stories. I’m inspired to keep dancing and to keep writing. I’m excited to do my work well, Knowing I’m surrounded by deep kindness and love. My heart is full of joy and gratitude.

In the Silence

I just wrote a little something, for writers, really. Write the tale that scares you, that makes you feel uncertain, that isn’t comfortable. I dare you. In a world that entices us to browse through the lives of others to help us better determine how we feel about ourselves, and to in turn feel the […]

Casting Call

Today’s Two Words: Casting Call I’m joined on the podcast by guest co-host Tariro Mukando to share the casting call for my short film Gugu naGogo. We discuss the film synopsis, what we’re looking for and how you can apply for the roles. Shoot date: September 2021 in Melbourne, Australia. More information at https://tsvaga.com/gugunagogo/. Timestamps: 3:26 […]

Big Words, Small Stories

Last year during lockdown, I was invited to write an episode for Big Words, Small Stories. It was an unexpected delight that mixed my obsessive love of words and writing for kids. The show will air daily at 4:45PM on ABC Kids from 12 July 2021 and I can’t wait to watch it with my […]

Gugu naGogo

November 2022 Update: Watch Gugu naGogo on ABC iview Gugu naGogo is officially streaming on ABC iview. More about our film cast and crew on IMDB at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23641720/. May 2021 Blog Post I’ll never forget the day my mother met my daughter for the first time. When Mama saw my baby she ran forward to […]

9pm Curfew

How it started: It’s New Year’s Day and I’ve been thinking for a few days that I need to do something to help me focus this month. I want to finish reading my first draft and start working out how I’ll write the second one, ready to hand to my publisher by the end of […]

Honour & Trust

Creative Mornings recently asked, “What’s something you know now, but wished you’d realised sooner?” and the world answered. I realised that I’d have to break some of my closest relationships to have deep and significant breakthrough in my creative practice. You will experience grief, heartache, doubt, and anxiety when you (re)set your boundaries. But you […]

Access Granted

I’d like to talk about applying for grants that pay us to develop our stories. I’d also like to be frank about money because I feel that’s the one thing people don’t, won’t and refuse to talk about enough. I’ll focus on two grants that I received in 2018 and 2019.  They’re government-funded and the amounts are […]

Canon Eyes

Late last year, I remember reading about Carlo Acutis, a teenage computer programmer who was beatified by the Pope in 2020. Outlets like the BBC and The New York Times wrote that 15-year-old Carlo was one step away from being the first millennial saint. A saint. Reflecting on his sweet life story and legacy made […]

Same Same

“Sorry for your loss.” “Thank you.” Someone coughs while the congregation settles down.  I walk up to the mic and tap it gently. “Thank you all for coming. I…it means a lot to me. Wow, this is so hard. When we first got together, it wasn’t quite love at first sight. It took a lot […]

About Face

Don’t you hate it when someone asks what book you’re reading and you go totally blank? *crickets* Your mind goes into overdrive. Oh c’mon! You’re a writer! Why can’t you remember what’s on your bedside table? Are you even reading? If you’re like me, yeah of course you’re reading. Lots of things. All the time. You […]