2. Self-publish a book Taku Podcast Australia Funding

Episode 26 – Self-Publishing a Book: Tip #2 Funding and Finances

Finding funding ain’t funny.

Don’t quit your job…yet! Self-publishing and funding a book can be a costly process. Work out how you will find the money to publish your book. Will you work 9-5? Can you apply for a grant? Might you crowdfund?

These tips are from a 2016 video series I filmed after self-publishing a children’s book in Australia. Find all 20 videos on TAKU TV at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc-QE_S9GwVCh40ZavHMT39zvwVnosazY. (Tips start at 2:00 in the podcast episodes).

Two Words with Taku
Two Words with Taku
Taku Mbudzi

Writer by day; aspiring comedian and TV producer by night.