
My name is Taku Mbudzi and I love to tell stories — give me a pen, a microphone or a camera and I’ll have something to say. I’m fired up about authentic voices telling their own stories and enjoy using humour to help young people speak up and out for themselves.

I’m constantly re-discovering who I am as an artist. I’m exploring, experimenting and playing, unlocking unexpected joys in my writing life.

I often capture my writing adventures on audio, so tune in to Two Words with Taku, wherever you find your fave podcasts and subscribe to join our podcast community.

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About Face

Don’t you hate it when someone asks what book you’re reading and you go totally blank? *crickets* Your mind goes into overdrive. Oh c’mon! You’re a writer! Why can’t you remember what’s on your bedside table? Are you even reading? If you’re like me, yeah of course you’re reading. Lots of things. All the time. You […]

Iceberg, let us 2021

A few weeks ago, during my usual quiet writing time, I had the image of an iceberg come to me when I started thinking about the stories I am working on. I know the iceberg image is a cliché, so often used to talk about the things that are visible on the surface compared to […]